Unexpected delights make life great! Out of a unique line of circumstances, it just so happened that the people in…
We’ve had our wonderful pet, Harvey, for about 18 months. He does your typical Labrador Retriever behaviors. He tries to…
I’ve mentioned in past Wisdom’s of my fondness for the Mary Kay organization. They get appreciation better than any company…
This pic was taken at the Minneapolis airport. The typical airports I visit have lines of seats where you wait…
Lisa Pritzl works with me at Prophit Marketing and this gal has guts! It’s one thing to help an organization…
I love family pictures. They paint a picture of togetherness and getting along. I mean, look at this picture. We…
When you think of celebrating success where you work, what comes to mind? Perhaps your mind goes to the company…
Fear! What is fear? Fear is the unknown. Humans have this primitive fear of what they don’t know. Fear shows…
Have you ever really contemplated the reason for your happy life? It boils down to relationships. Your life is only…