Wow, resolutions really can work! - Dignify
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Wow, resolutions really can work!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 - Joe Kiedinger

I have asked many people, “What’s your New Years resolution?” It’s funny, but by far the biggest response I’ve been given is, “I don’t do resolutions, they never work.”

I, for the most part, agree with this statement. It’s true that very few actually come true. That is why I would like to share with you a New Years resolution that was made 14 years ago that is being followed to this day.

My friend Greg is an international teacher. He began this career fourteen years ago. His resolution is simple, “I resolve to wake up in a different country every year.” For the past fourteen years Greg has done just that.

FullSizeRenderHe came home to Green Bay this Christmas to celebrate his parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. He told me he only had a day to spend with me due to family commitments, since he had to get on a plane and fly to a new country for New Years Day.

I asked him, “Greg, have you ever woken up in Canada?”

“Why, no, I haven’t!” he replied.

This picture is Greg and I after our six hour drive from Green Bay to Ontario, Canada about to bring in the New Year!

Resolutions can work for some people so don’t give up! You too, one of these years, will make a resolution so strong it lasts for over fourteen years!

Happy New Year!

Joe Kiedinger

ACTION PLAN: Any resolutions? 🙂

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