What Makes You Unique? - Dignify
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What Makes You Unique?

Monday, August 21, 2023 - Joe Kiedinger

What Makes You Unique? | WCOJ #shorts

☕️This Weekly Cup kicks off part 2 of 4 about psychological safety!

🤔What is psychological safety? In a nutshell, it is a state in which you have all the proper resources to feel safe in your environment.

The second key element: UNDERSTANDING YOUR UNIQUE ABILITES! Are you struggling to find out your, or your teams, unique abilities?

Do you know a few of them but feel like you have so much more potential to unlock? Let Dignify® unlock your teams potential! Reach out to us! 

👋🏼Follow us and stay tuned to hear what the third element of psychological safety is!

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Sometimes, all it takes is a little inspiration.

Understanding where others are coming from is critical in communicating and working toward a common cause.