FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Green Bay, Wisconsin – (September 19, 2016) – Prophit Marketing, a full-service communication company located in Green Bay,…
Welcome Fall! With this season comes pumpkins, apple pie and the corn maze! Once a quarter us Prophiteers have a…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Green Bay, Wisconsin – (August 15, 2016) – Prophit Marketing, a full-service communication company located in Green…
My journey in building greater competence in communication throughout organizations has led to some pretty fantastic, yet simple, conclusions. When…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Green Bay, Wisconsin – (August 15, 2016) – Prophit Marketing, a full-service communication company located in Green…
Giving an employee a bigger paycheck won’t make them work harder, faster, or better. But giving them dignity will. Have…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Green Bay, Wisconsin – (August 15, 2016) – Prophit Marketing, a full-service communication company located in Green…
I previously wrote about my experience at Disney Institute. Disney has proven that culture is built by consistent behaviors of…
How healthy is your culture? Culture is described as a feeling your brand portrays to your customers. This feeling can…