5 Ways to Master Social Media During the Holidays - Dignify
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5 Ways to Master Social Media During the Holidays

Monday, November 21, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

The holiday season is officially upon us! From Thanksgiving to Christmas and everything in between, there’s a lot going on and you need to make sure you are still able to maximize your brands social media potential during this crazy time!

1. Tap into Their Emotions
The holiday season is filled with so many different emotions. Words that are commonly associated with consumers during the holidays season include, generosity, family, reflection, giving and positivity. Think about how you can tap into these feelings by generating rich content and using it to your advantage.

2. Schedule Posts in Advance
The holidays can get a little crazy! Even if you Holiday Blog Image.pngaren’t planning to take time off, you’ll most likely be pulled away at unexpected times. That’s why it’s smart to schedule posts in advance, this ensures your profiles won’t go silent when things get chaotic.

3. Stay Active!
Historically, social media activity increases during the holidays. People have more time off and spend a large portion of this time browsing social media or shopping online. This is the best time to engage with your followers so it’s important to be posting rich and engaging content.

4. Don’t be a Grinch
Adding a little festive cheer to your profile is highly encouraged. Something as simple as putting a red bow on your profile or cover photo is an easy way to show your followers you’re enjoying the season as much as they are.

5. Gather Insights
Social media provides the unique opportunity for direct communication with your target market. The holiday season gets people excited and more willing to express their opinions online. Use this time to create posts that encourage interaction and engagement with your brand and can be extremely valuable to gain insight into what your consumers want from your brand.

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