The shiny, little red Porsche, the hair plugs, the new, on trend shoes. We’ve all heard of the notion of…
Check out this Weekly Cup as Joe digs into the midlife crisis and what it’s really all about. Is it…
Imagine yourself under the bright lights, reclined in a dental office chair, mouth open wide. You’re about to have a…
Joe Kiedinger of Prophit Co. and Shelley Peterson, CEO of Promoting Me, LLC, discuss how each person’s unique dignity can…
Today, Joe is out and about in a local industrial park to illustrate an often-overlooked notion. In business, when we…
If you missed last week’s news, we made a huge announcement! Prophit Co. has just revealed our newest endeavor: Leadership…
In this Weekly Cup of Joe, he explains the why behind our new Leadership Adventures bus. There’s more to it…
Joe is sharing one huge reveal in this Weekly Cup of Joe. Want an inside peek? Get ready to discover…
For those of you who know me personally, you know that I’ve often taken the UN-institutional approach to everything in…