Have you ever had a teacher or relative who was absolutely brimming with wisdom? Well, meet our guest, Tom Thibodeau….
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Do you ever have those days where you just need a little inspiration but don’t have a ton of time? Yeah, we do too.
Read on for some tools and tips to help you improve your leadership and your business. Don’t worry, they’re quick reads.*
*Apparently, humans have a shorter attention span than a goldfish nowadays
Frustrated with your workplace’s training, or lack thereof?Training people really isn’t all that different than training a dog.We have to…
If you haven’t already, read my August Wisdom on Wednesdays: “Vulnerability at Work: How Much is Too Much?” and “The…
Let’s face it, we all process information and communicate differently. It can be confusing when we encounter communication styles that…
Are you an SME? Subject Matter Expert? If you are, this week’s cup is prepared just for you. Finally, a…
Vulnerability in the workplace is a 21st century skill get after. Revealing bits and pieces of our personal story to…
What if you are already the best version of you? Well, I have news for you, you already are. Do…
One of the most powerful tools leaders can harness in the workplace is vulnerability. Why, you ask? Leaders who reveal…
It’s ok to fudge the truth sometimes. Let’s face it, we all must work with people who are wired very…
Sometimes, all it takes is a little inspiration.
Understanding where others are coming from is critical in communicating and working toward a common cause.