It’s ok to fudge the truth sometimes. Let’s face it, we all must work with people who are wired very…
As more and more Boomers retire and Millennials and Generation Zers enter the workforce, the generational balance has shifted. With…
When teams share some of their favorite things together, relationships grow. Learn about a few of Joe’s favorite things while…
Joe’s sharing how to make them more comfortable and efficient in this Weekly Cup of Joe! #weeklycupofjoe #wisconsin #greenbay #workplace #wisdom #brainstorm
Cognitive biases are errors in thinking that influence our decisions and judgments in life. Some examples you’ve likely heard of…
Joe took a page from Brene Brown’s book by instilling her “rumble language” in our Effective Group Meetings curriculum. Find…
Know a know-it-all? Someone who ignores warnings because they feel they know better? Who cannot admit their wrongs? Who evokes…
It’s never too late to get to work increasing your emotional intelligence. One tool we use at Prophit Co. is…
We humans have pretty incredible brains. I mean, we learn things on an unconscious level and then apply what we…