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Blogs How Do You Choose To Spend Your Time?

Do you ever wonder how people get so many things done? How many times have you been in a conversation…

August 28, 2019 Read
Blogs Let’s Take Our Culture to Mars!

Yesterday was my ironing day. Yes, I’m the ironer in the family. My wife has five-people’s clothes to wash. I…

July 31, 2019 Read
Blogs I Want More S’mores!

I’m not sure if s’mores are a Wisconsin thing or a universal bonfire thing? So, for our readers across the…

June 5, 2019 Read
Blogs Clowns: Scary or Misunderstood?

When I was a kid, I was raised to love clowns. In those days, there were many traveling circuses that…

May 22, 2019 Read
Blogs It’s Time To Unplug

In today’s world of technology at our fingertips, we are exposed constantly to calls, emails, texts, social media messages, LinkedIn…

April 24, 2019 Read
Blogs Reshuffle Your Deck

“I didn’t grow up having role models. I grew up having people I didn’t want to be like and seeing…

April 3, 2019 Read
Blogs Looking Forward to Change!

People tend not to handle change very well. As human beings, we’re wired to create routines and want to have…

March 27, 2019 Read
Blogs Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed? I recently visited our cabin up north in Tomahawk, WI. This is a picture of the old outhouse…

March 13, 2019 Read
Blogs Are You Comfortable Being Uncomfortable?

I’m embracing winter. March is the month where, for most people around here, spring fever really begins to set in….

March 6, 2019 Read