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Dignify Technology

The platform for your people.

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What is Dignify Technology?

Dignify is an online platform with all the tools you need to improve culture, leadership, communication, engagement, and bottom-line performance. Dignify enables organizations to achieve their goals and improve their organizational health by helping their leaders unlock the potential of those they lead. The platform is available both online and in a mobile app.

Close up woman's hands are actively engaged with a tablet featuring a a Dignify Snapshot

The Snapshot

The Snapshot is a printable and downloadable digital profile that encapsulates a user’s traits, motivations, communication style, and simple dos and don’ts for others to use when interacting with them. It is your dialogue tool for understanding and honoring a person’s dignity. The Dignify Snapshot is interactive and built to generate dialogue between users, representing the foundation of the Culture Operating System (COS).

Snapshots are available via the website or through our companion app. They provide people with a convenient, intuitive reminder of what a person needs to feel honored and respected. User Snapshots are used in nearly every tool in the platform.

Get Your Snapshot


A library of interactive courses developed to help your people lead themselves, lead others, and lead initiatives with transformative information delivered in an accessible, actionable format.


Build mutual understanding and strengthen communication with guided, Snapshot-based conversations that serve to make collaboration easy.


Create agendas, re-usable templates, record live notes, and archive important information all in one convenient spot. Take the stress out of meetings by making them a dignifying experience with the unique added benefit of Snapshot data available to all users.


Keep a pulse on your people and maintain your culture with an in-house survey tool that makes use of preset and customizable templates, packaged with charts and graphs that make data analysis and pattern recognition a breeze.


Track the effectiveness of your Culture Operating System in real time with monthly reports on user activity and system utilization.


Dignify ensures security with TLS encryption, Google Cloud hosting, Stripe payments, SSO authentication, and admin controls to protect data, access, and transactions. Learn more

The Dignify Difference

Gone are the days of one-off initiatives, short-term consultations, and forgettable personality tests. Dignify is a solution that lasts. Our technology and all of its tools are here to stay so that you can maintain your Culture Operating System indefinitely.

See how others have mobilized Dignify technology to transform their organization for the better.

Case Studies

Schedule a Free Demo

See how the system works firsthand with a free demo of Dignify. Invest in your people – elevate your performance.

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