- 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
- $499 per person
- Available to individuals and small groups
- Limited to 14 people
- Qualifies for SHRM Credits
Ready for an adventure?
Let’s hit the road.
August 24, 2023 @ 8:00 AM
- Green Bay, WI
Ready for an adventure?
Let’s hit the road.
Do feelings of self-doubt or Imposter Syndrome impact your effectiveness at work? Does your negative voice have more control than you’d like?
Well, our Summer Leadership Adventure is for you! It’s time to take back control and rebuild your self-worth.
This full-day experience combines world-class leadership development training with networking and a bit of fun!
Your adventure kicks off at (and returns to) the Prophit Co. parking lot
Corner of Hubbard Street and Pearl Street
Behind 200 N. Broadway
Link to map: https://learn.dignify.com/contact-us/