Your Daily Social Media Management Checklist - Dignify
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Your Daily Social Media Management Checklist

Monday, February 8, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

If you’ve been assigned as the social media manager at your business, keeping up with your social media strategy and monitoring can seem daunting. The biggest challenge we’ve seen businesses experience is creating the habit of checking in with your social media on a daily basis. But, without a huge time commitment, it is possible to keep tabs on your social media while still completing your other job functions!

Our first recommendation for making a habit of your social media is to create a daily calendar event that reminds you to check your Facebook page and additional social media. I like having it as my first task in the morning. 


I log-in to e-mail and my social media accounts; then I hit my checklist.

Here are the 3 items I cover every morning and then again at the end of my work day:

  1. Schedule your social message(s) for the day. You don’t have to publish it right then and there; you can use the “Schedule” feature to have it post at whatever time or day you want.
  1. Respond to those that engaged with your posts or have reached out to by a private message or page post. Yes, people are expecting customer service on social media. Think about it this way, if a customer came up to you in person and said “I love this store so much!” would you just stand there silently? Probably not (that would make for a pretty awkward situation). Remember to interact on social media too – it is called “SOCIAL” media after all. Not sure how to handle complaints or other posts? This article is a quick and helpful read to give you some guidance.
  2. Review what rocks and what doesn’t. Take a quick look at recent posts. What type of reach did they get? How many interactions (comments, likes, shares) did the posts get? Do any of those posts warrant a paid promotion?

Success coach Brian Tracy is quoted saying “successful people are simply those with successful habits.” From my experiences with social media management, it is also safe to say that “successful social media pages are those with successful habits.” By having a habit you are making sure you have consistent posting, consistent engagement with those engaging with your brand, and a good idea of what is working and not working with your social media. These are all part of a successful formula for your business’s social media.

Still overwhelmed with Facebook (and other social media) marketing? Let’s chat! We would also like to invite you download our FREE E-BOOK: “5-minute Facebook Resolution” by clicking “download now!” below.


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