Will You Plan Today or React Tomorrow? The Generational Shift in Your Workplace
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - Joe Kiedinger
Over the course of the next eight years, 10,000 Baby Boomers will hit retirement age EACH DAY, according to the US Census Bureau. How is your company preparing as these workers leave and the next generation pours in?

The generational makeup of your organization will soon change drastically. Most organizations are spending little to no time thinking about this, but it’s crucial to plan for. Why? Our employees will have different wants and needs than before. And they’ll need to be led differently if you want to retain them.
How to Lead the Younger Generations
- Build relationships:
Get to know your employees personally by gathering everyone together in social environments when possible.
- Be a socially responsible employer:
Gen Zers especially want to work for companies that align with their beliefs, specifically diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Be flexible:
Not only do younger workers prefer options for hybrid or remote work, but they alsowant to make a difference, even if it means reaching outside of their formal role.
- Mentor them:
Newer generations want opportunities to learn and grow. Take them under your wing and help them become successful. Take responsibility for their growth and development.
Now, I know this may seem daunting because most companies really don’t train leaders how to lead. It takes considerable effort and knowledge to learn how to be a good leader. That’s why it’s essential to also invest in your own leadership journey.
As my dear friend Tom Thibodeau said, “You can’t lead people past where you are. When you stop growing, everyone around you stops growing. You’re never going to ‘get there,’ you’re always going to be on the journey, but, hey, it’s an exciting one.”
So, let’s adapt a growth mindset and think about how we lead. We don’t need to stick with the way we were lead years ago. We have the power to choose a new way, a meaningful way.
ACTION PLAN: If you need help, we’re here with leadership training courses to set you on a healthy path.