We "Get To" - Celebrating and Appreciating the Opportunities Before Us - Dignify
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We “Get To” – Celebrating and Appreciating the Opportunities Before Us

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 - April Johnson

Today’s “Wisdom on Wednesday” comes from my first-ever guest writer, April Johnson, our Dignify Coach. I was so taken aback by this simple message; I knew you would enjoy it! – Joe

When I am not training or coaching with Dignify clients at Prophit, I spend my time teaching vocal performance and acting to young people. During the past 10 years, I have had the pleasure of directing children’s musicals. It is a joy, and in this case, the catalyst for changing the way I think about opportunities that have been placed before me. There are many stories on this topic, but allow me to share this one with you.

I was directing a musical for a performing arts studio. My team had successfully found a place for all 40+ children who had courageously auditioned, some for the very first time. Not long after we began practices, I noticed that many of my older student actors, though seemingly having a good time, often complained because they “HAD TO” memorize their lines all the time or they HAD TO miss something friends were doing to come to rehearsals.

Around the same time, I unexpectedly met a young girl who was an outstanding singer. I had to go introduce myself after her performance. She humbly listened as I raved about her ability to touch the hearts of her audience with her voice and expression. I immediately asked her if she was training anywhere—she was not.

Without thinking, I asked her if she would be interested in being a part of the studio. She gave a big smile, immediately gathered her composure, lowered her eyes and in a quiet voice asked, “Um, does it cost anything?” I smiled and said, “Yes, but I’m sure we can work something out.” I gave her my card and told her that I hoped to hear from her again soon… sadly, I did not.

This young woman has not been in one of my musicals yet, but my encounter with her was a life-changing one. It revealed to me that our HAVE TOs, quite often, are really the things we GET TO do. We can be thankful for the opportunities before us, even the difficult ones. I went back to my actors and shared a new perspective with them: “You don’t HAVE TO be here… you GET TO be here.” It stuck! I think we ALL matured that season.

Our appreciation, our acceptance, and our attitude are all dependent on how we look at the opportunities set before us. Challenge yourself to take a new perspective about a difficult task at work, a new direction you need to take or even those daily tasks that you think don’t matter. My GET TO mantra has made an impact in my life. Today, be grateful for the things you GET TO do. Don’t live a HAVE TO life, instead live the life you GET TO!

Make sure to sign up for our next S.L.O.W meeting on Thursday, September 20th! 

April Johnson
Dignify Coach at Prophit

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