The Tranquility of Dignity - Dignify
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The Tranquility of Dignity

Wednesday, July 18, 2018 - Joe Kiedinger

Human dignity. Ahhhh…. it feels good! To be dignified is like no other feeling. Dignify defined is: to feel worthy of honor and respect. Indeed, you deserve to feel this way.

I was fortunate to have been on vacation for the past two weeks. Part of the time was spent in Tomahawk, WI. This picture shows my daughter in the lake. It reminded me of the image of dignity.

Dignity is truly at the core of feeling wonderful, at peace, empowered and in control. Here, Alina is in total control of her environment. There is no wind to blow her off course. There are no waves to rock her balance. There is nothing, but the sound of a loon bellowing out a hollow cry.

Imagine feeling like this every day. I am on a crusade to help you feel this way. It starts not in the home, but at work. Dignity in the workplace supports the heart of a Servant Leader. I would argue that if all leaders did was learn about the unique dignity traits within each of their direct reports, everything else would fall into place.

It’s the cornerstone of a remarkable organization.

Joe Kiedinger
a.k.a. The Dignify Guy

ACTION PLAN: Be the leader you were born to be! To lead, you first must serve… a person’s dignity!


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