The Beauty of Traditions! - Dignify
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The Beauty of Traditions!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 - Joe Kiedinger

I was raised with rich traditions. Not only the ‘major holidays’ kind of traditions, but all sorts of little traditions. Pictured here is the result of my girls calling me at work saying, “Daddy, are you bringing pumpkins home for our annual carving night?” In this picture, the pumpkins have been carved and the girls are separating the seeds for mom’s traditional pumpkin seed roast! These type of things bring such joy to Danica and I. IMG_2017

This is not the only family tradition we have, there are other traditions such as raking a leaf fort after the first tree in our yard loses its leaves, outdoor movie nights at the cabin and our annual Christmas performance. For this, we plan a forty-five minute show complete with singing and dancing for the family, which begins with practicing in October for our December 24th show!

I’ve written about the power of tradition before because of its great importance to a fulfilled life. However, traditions at work are just as important as traditions at home. Tradition brings comfort and something to look forward to that is understood. No videos or video games, an activity where everyone understands their role, where they fit in and know what to expect. A true joy to repeat over and over again.

What new traditions will you start at work? How about at home?

Joe Kiedinger

ACTION PLAN: Start a tradition!

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