Thanks Grandpa! - Dignify
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Thanks Grandpa!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - Joe Kiedinger

I have learned and I have practiced to not take things for granted (I’m not always perfect). All my life I’ve had the awesome privilege of attending Packers games in the eleventh row on the fifty yard line. I’m not sharing this to brag (okay maybe a little) however, it would be easy for me to take it for granted. Believe me, I don’t.

IMG_1549My grandpa owned around 56 tickets before Lambeau Field was even built. Talk about vision! Our extended family also shares in the vision grandpa had for enjoying our Green and Gold! In a way, it’s a legacy purchase. He had vision, even when the Packers were not a hot thing, that they would be great!

Every game I make a secret prayer to Grandpa and thank him for his vision. His vision will be enjoyed now and for future generations. I now look at my own life and my own kids; I think about my future grand kids. What can I do now that will help continue my memory and be a benefit for them in the future?

I don’t know what that is, but I’ll figure it out, because I’m looking for it!

Joe Kiedinger

ACTION PLAN: What will you do?

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