Reflect on where you’ve been!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger
Our first part of this series is a challenge for you to reflect on where you’ve been. It’s true that as business leaders, we must always be looking for ways to improve our business. However, we must also take the time to reflect on where we’ve been.
When I reflect on Prophit Marketing, Inc., I think of how we started as J. Kiedinger Advertising. I used my own name because I knew I could use my social security number as my business ID number when my name was incorporated. However, I soon learned that an easy Google search would tell me how to create an independent business ID for $5.

We started in a residential home with two people. Four locations later, we have grown into our national headquarters with 17 talented Prophiteers in a vibrant downtown location. This causes me to reflect on the fact that 90% of businesses fail in their first ten years, but this is not the case for us – we are surviving and thriving!
I am not bringing this up to brag, but to celebrate the adversity of business. We’ve certainly had our share of adversity and struggles in those early years, but now we celebrate the success of overcoming those adversities!
You have a story too. Celebrate it, reflect on it and give yourself credit for everything you have accomplished. In the coming weeks I will focus on what it takes to be around another ten years from now!
Joe Kiedinger
ACTION PLAN: Reflect on where you’ve been. Share it with your employees. Celebrate!