Only Wet Babies like Change!
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger
The only thing that is constant is change. Do you believe that? For example, look at Kodak who delayed their response in the digital film space. They once had a massive campus to hold all of their employees, but now they are a fraction of their former self.

Even though just about every person will agree that change is imminent, why is it so difficult to change? This is because we are creatures of habit. When joining a six week class, 90% of attendees will sit in the same chair for all six weeks. We love the expected; it’s in our DNA.
The journey of change begins with you. Will you stretch yourself? Will you be the conduit of change? I’m hoping you will begin living the reality of change. I suggest by starting with simple things like rearranging your office, bedroom or living room. Change it up!
Make small changes every day and you will begin to train your brain that change is good… because it is!
Joe Kiedinger
ACTION PLAN: What change will you do today?