Millennial Perspective: Katie Braun - Dignify
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Millennial Perspective: Katie Braun

Friday, July 1, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

So by now, you’ve probably noticed we like talking about leading Millennials. It all started with our Quarterly Servant Leaders of Wisconsin Event, with 18-year old speaker Paige Kassner. We published this little ditty about dignifying others, and shared this easy to read e-book for you to download, “5 Things Millennials Want From Their Leader”.

Image of Leading Millennial Katie BraunSince we talk so much about Millennials, we thought, “why not talk TO Millennials?” They are everywhere. They are awesome! Our first discussion is with Katie Braun (yup, that’s her in the picture).  Katie is an Account Executive at Element Creative, a full service advertising agency located in De Pere, Wisconsin. Is it weird that we are talking to people from other local agencies?  We don’t think so. We’re just friendly like that, and so are they! 

Katie leaves a positive impression wherever she goes and is actively involved in our community. She serves as the Chair of the Greater Green Bay Chamber of Commerce’s Young Professional group, Current Young Professionals. We wanted to hear from Katie’s perspective as a Millennial.  Here is what she had to say:

Q: Since finishing your degree in 2011, you have boundlessly been immersed in the workplace and in business-related and personal volunteering – what drives this level of involvement for you?

A: I have always been a strong believer in giving back to the community that you live in. I was raised in a family that prioritized volunteering. Since finishing my degree, I have been fortunate enough to work for companies that not only allowed me time to volunteer, but encouraged it.

Q: Thinking about the places you’ve worked or been involved with – what do you think they have provided that appeals to Millennials to the workplace?

A: Flexibility. Responsibility. Growth Opportunities. These are three things that the companies I have worked for all have in common. Life doesn’t always fit into a 9:00 to 5:00 schedule and the flexibility to occasionally work early or late to accommodate this is very appealing. Never being treated like the “kid” in the office creates a positive atmosphere. In all of the roles I have had, I was treated as an equal to my coworkers – same responsibilities, same accountability. And growth opportunities, when starting at a company at a young age, it is reassuring to know that they are thinking about your future as well.

Q: What one piece of advice do you have for Millennials entering the professional workplace?

A: Make connections and work really hard. I think the most beneficial thing I did after joining the workforce was getting involved in networking opportunities to meet people in the community. If you want your career to grow in a community, you need to know people in the community. And then more importantly, work really hard once you do get an opportunity. Never give a connection, whether that is a boss, a coworker, or a volunteer organization, a reason to think you won’t give your all every time.

Q: If you could change one perception that non-millennial generations have about Millennials in the workplace, what would it be?

A: That we are all lazy and entitled. Our generation has gotten a bad rap, but it definitely doesn’t apply to all of us. I am surrounded by a group of Millennials that are anything but the above statement. They work hard to not only make an impact in their career, but also in their community. They want the best, both in their careers and their environments, and they work to achieve those goals. Millennials are energetic, motivated, and ready to make a difference.


We extend a big thank you to Katie for playing along with us as we continue down our path of discovery about Millennials. Stay tuned for more interviews with more Millennials. 🙂



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