Leadership Linking, March 2016 Edition - Dignify
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Leadership Linking, March 2016 Edition

Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

President John F. Kennedy was noted for saying “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”  We’ve recognized the same in the great business leaders we are surrounded by.  Not only are they always reaching higher in terms of their leadership characteristics and abilities but also always ahead of the change in their industry and their own level of knowledge in their field (or outside of it!).

With learning we can all be better, and this is why we’ve put together Leadership Linking. Where each month we go on the search for you and share with you our 5 best leadership findings.  Enjoy!  

  1. Trust: Better to Give Than Receive.   

    In this blog, Bob Chapman writes about getting past the old adage of “trust needs to be earned”.  He suggests that by trusting your team, you allow them the opportunity to show you something extraordinary.  Read more.

  2. The Best Leaders are Constant Learners. 

    Published by the Harvard Business Review, this article speaks to how leaders must scan the world for signals of change, and be able to react instantaneously. It includes a memorable example to show this in application.  Read more. 

  3. Video: Time is the Currency of Leadership, Spend it Wisely 

    See this quick clip of Matt Whiat, one of our past S.L.O.W. speakers, talk about what he refers to “one of our most abundant resources in the workplace” – recognition and personal connection. Watch now.

  4. Are you Lying to Yourself About Your Leadership? 

    This is a great “time to get real with myself” message from Lolly Daskal. Taking a look at our own truths can awaken us to personal growth and becoming the better leader that lies within. Read more.

  5. Parts 1 & 2 of Interview with Head Coach Steve Jones on Leadership

    Don’t miss out on the most visited blog posts of the month here at the Prophit Blog!  Steve speaks on his own leadership journey, how to create a winning culture, and why a strong culture is so important – especially in the most adverse times.  Read both Part 1 and Part 2.

Since leadership interests you, consider downloading our Free E-book: Love and Respect in Leadership. It might be exactly the inspiration you need!



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