Leadership Linking, July 2016 Edition - Dignify
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Leadership Linking, July 2016 Edition

Thursday, July 7, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

Summer is officially here, and it brought along the July 2016 Edition of Leadership Linking! Sit back, relax, and read.  Each month we go on the search for you and share with you our 5 best leadership findings.

  1. Be An Authentic Leader

    “People don’t want to be led by a phony. They want real people being authentic. This means flaws and all.” Author Joseph Lalonde talks about connecting with those you lead by being your true self. Read more.

  2. LoveYourselfLoveOthers.jpeg10 Leadership Principles I Learned From Dosan Ahn Chang Ho

    What can a Korean activist born in 1878 teach the 21st century about leadership? To sum it up: 愛己愛他. Learn about this very important figure in modern Korean history.  Read more.

  3. Leadership Strangers: Authority and Accountability

    “Imagine being given new leadership responsibility. We are excited about the opportunity. As we begin to lead, we find out that we do not have the authority to make decisions. Our excitement diminishes quickly. More importantly, our engagement begins to fade, and we always go up the hierarchy before any decision is made.”

    Learn how to empower your leaders to lead with the right balance of authority and accountabiity. Read more.

  4. 5 Ways to Build a More Positive Culture

    Increase your company’s productivity and profitability by bringing positivity into the workplace. Put in the work to implement these forward-thinking ideas to help your team thrive. Read more.

  5. Video: Excellence In Leadership presents John McHugh

    John McHugh, Manager of Corporate Communications for Kwik Trip, discusses the transferable leadership principles that have made Kwik Trip a true success story. Watch now.

What’s next? Check out our Free E-book: What Millennials Want from their Leaders. It might be exactly the inspiration you need!


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