Leadership Linking, August 2016 Edition - Dignify
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Leadership Linking, August 2016 Edition

Thursday, August 11, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

Make a positive impact on your team and your business with the August 2016 Edition of Leadership Linking. Each month we go on the search for you and share our 5 best leadership findings.


  1. What Does It Take to Be a Great Leader?

    No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or get all the credit for doing it.” Leadership doesn’t exist without followers. It’s about enrolling people who believe in you and what you stand for. Read more.

  2. Whose Shoes Are You Wearing?

    Set employees up for success by allowing them to expand their job roles that best fit their shoes. Joe Kiedinger gets some candor advice from a trusted business colleague. Read more.

  3. What to Do When You’ve Made a Bad Decision

    Making bad decisions are part of life, and when it’s related to your business, quick action can be crtiical. The Harvard Business Review explores what to do when you realize things have taken a turn for the worst. Read more.

  4. Millennial Trouble? Change Your Workplace Philosophy and Engage Them

    If you aren’t embracing millennials, your organization is fighting a losing battle. Here are 4 ways to help transform your thinking to engage them. Read more.

  5. Video: Learning Leadership From a Golf Pro

    John Baldoni speaks about being in tune with the people you supervise, and help bring out the best in individuals with a lesson he learned from golf pro Tim Katanski. Watch now.

What’s next? Check out our Free E-book: What Millennials Want from their Leaders. It might be exactly the inspiration you need!


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