It’s a Thanksgiving Feast.. It’s a Family Table.. Wait! It’s a Brainstorming Session at Prophit!
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 - Joe Kiedinger
Prophit’s name is derived from two words coming together: Be a ‘prophet’ (historical reference) to Make a ‘profit.’ In other words, learn from others who have come first so you can emulate best practices and make them your own.
This picture represents a perfect example of what I’m writing about. While learning best practices from a company I emulate, Disney, and a creative man I emulate, Walt Disney, the pictured event was inspired.

When Disney had the idea for the movie Bambi, instead of just gathering his artists and writers and telling them about the story, he created an experience. Or in Disney’s term, ‘a little magic.’
He had a local farmer bring in a doe and fawn into the studio. They set up straw and a protected fenced in area. He then invited his artists to a meeting on the set. He shared with them the vision for a great animated film based on a deer named, Bambi. He then acted out the personalities of all the main characters and gave a synopsis of the storyline to get them intrigued and engaged.
In this picture, we had a brainstorm with our creative writers and artists who work with Parallel 44 Vineyard and Winery. The planning team decided that the creative juices would really flow if we set up a table and enjoyed the wine like a consumer would enjoy it. Wine is meant to be shared in meaningful spaces.
This provided an exciting change of pace and a great memory for everyone. We did conjure up great ideas as we led the team through a brainstorm exercise. Afterwards, the organizing team huddled to reflect on how we could have improved the experience. Marketing should be a fun experience, it’s a creative experience and therefore, when we can make it special, it’s well worth the investment.
Joe Kiedinger
ACTION PLAN: You don’t have to be in marketing to experience fun meetings. Think of how you can add a little magic when sharing with your team!