Interview with Phil Gwoke: Part 2 - Dignify
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Interview with Phil Gwoke: Part 2

Monday, November 20, 2017 - Nathan Walasek

Thanks for joining us for part two of my three-part series with Phil Gwoke, keynote speaker of our upcoming S.L.O.W. Summit.

We hope you’ll join us on Friday, January 26th, 2018 at The Marq in De Pere for this engaging event.

We will begin at 7:30 a.m. with a hot buffet breakfast and networking. Then, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. keynote speaker and consultant Phil Gwoke from BridgeWorks will deliver his presentation: “When Generations Connect, Communicating Across Generational Divides”. SLOW_Facebook Newfeed Images_2018 Summit_f1_1.jpg

Q: Phil, if you had to summarize your personal leadership philosophy in one sentence, how would you describe it?

A: “Good leaders are the first ones willing to take on the least desirable duties or pursue the last conceivable ideas for the betterment of society.”

Q: Both your career and your Summit presentation focus on “the generations”. Why is this focus so essential for people to understand?

A: “Our generational experience plays a powerful role in the way we communicate, work, and are motivated and is the one lens of diversity that all of us can identify with.

Every one of us is made up of a unique combination of genetic inheritance, personality motivators, family structure, and cultural experience that influence our belief system and identity. This kaleidoscope of humanity adds layers of beauty and complexity to any community. When understood and valued, people can unite for a common good. When misunderstood and mocked, people have historically divided in opposition.

Generational study reveals that there is yet another aspect of our humanity that shapes us. This is ‘when’ we grew up. Generational cohorts all share a unique time in history in common. Some grew up during World War I or II, some during the Cold War, some in the War on Drugs, and others in the War on Terror. Each had their own slogans, heroes, villains, and coping mechanisms. Most importantly, regardless of all the differences that people have, millions of people across a nation can be brought together through those shared memories.

As organizations leverage strategies that can be gained through generational insights, walls of division will come down as new foundations of shared values are built.”

Watch for the next installment of my conversation with Phil Gwoke coming soon. We’ll hear about Phil’s presentation style, how his message applies to the workplace, and important takeaways attendees can expect.

For more information about the Servant Leaders of Wisconsin Summit or to reserve your space, please visit


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Sometimes, all it takes is a little inspiration.

Understanding where others are coming from is critical in communicating and working toward a common cause.