Getting To The Top Of Google - Dignify
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Getting To The Top Of Google

Monday, October 23, 2017 - Joe Kiedinger

How do I improve my Google ranking? It’s a question we hear all too often and it may be something you’ve even been wondering yourself. Google uses a variety of methods to determine which pages are displayed first in the results. The exact formula is secret, but there are a few (free) things you can do now to help your overall Google ranking.

Update Your Site Regularly

Having a company blog will do wonders. Google wants to see that you have an active website. Since you won’t always have new products to launch, or updates that need to be made to your site, that’s where a blog is a perfect fit. You can regularly publish blog posts on the latest topics and trends within your industry, which helps your search engine ranking in the long run. Regularly, new content also gives your customers a reason to return to your site.


 Page Titles

Page titles are used by search engines to display a page in search results, as well as appearing at top of the browser. Titles tell search spiders and users what your page is about. Google only displays between 50-60 characters in their title tags, therefore it’s important to keep descriptions short, compelling and relevant.


The placement of keywords throughout your site is probably one of the most important things you can do to improve your SEO, organically. Ask yourself how someone would search for information on the specific service or product you are offering. The words they use in their search are likely the keywords you want to be using. However, don’t add an unnecessary amount of keywords, especially if they are unrelated, as this can lead to your site being flagged as spam. Search engine spiders are programmed to ignore “keyword-stuffing”.


Each image and video that you have on your site can have a description added to its imprint. These are known as alternative text descriptions or alt-tags. These descriptions allow for search engines to locate your page using the keywords.

Mobile Site

With nearly 40% of organic traffic coming from mobile devices in 2015, it’s no surprise that websites with a mobile-friendly interface will rank higher in Google searches. Ultimately, Google is trying to provide the best user experience, so really the better the user experience on your site, the better Google will rank you.






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