Festivus for the Rest of Us! - Dignify
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Festivus for the Rest of Us!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

It’s that time of year where celebrating is obvious and parties are plentiful. Many employees will experience a holiday party or free celebration lunch or something special this time of year. What about the other 364 days? Celebrating successes is a strategy you should consider incorporating into your 2017 budgets. Here’s the deal, it doesn’t need to be extravagant, it doesn’t need to take hours and it certainly can be affordable. Below are some examples of what we do here at Prophit to makes sure we connect and celebrate all year long!

1) Once a month have a food day. We celebrate the birthdays of the month by having one day with a themed lunch. An employee committee picks the theme and everyone brings something. We make it a point to eat in the conference room and engage in fun discussion, share personal fun news and just have a pleasant lunch together. Hey, ya gotta eat anyway!4be75d509d77e2feb01562d038b235ff.jpg

2) Friday Fun Day: This is something we no longer do (due to current workflow), but if you can afford to, have a Friday Fun Day once a month. We used to shut down the office at 4pm and share a libation of our choosing at a local haunt. Instead of Friday Fun Day, we now have a large refrigerator stocked with beverages encouraging Prophiteers to have a cold one the final hour of the week.

3) Living Our Values: This happens three times a year. We find a fun activity (hay ride, mini-golf or a silly outside game) and get our employees to play together. We shut the office down at 3pm three days per year and fund a low cost play time experience.

4) Good Goings: In our daily huddle-ups from 9:00-9:10 every Prophiteer gathers to review a ‘Prophit Basic’, share news of the day and give each other Good Goings from the day before.

These four ideas are all low cost, low time commitments to bond as a team. I feel they are critical elements to add to an engaged culture. Let’s make sure we plan in 2017 to introduce a little Festivus for the Rest of Us!

Joe Kiedinger

ACTION PLAN: What will you plan for next year? Start small with one thing and go from there! And don’t forget time’s running out, be sure to get your tickets for the annual Servant Leadership Summit! Click here for more information: http://www.prophitmarketing.com/about-us/servant-leadership/ 


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