Dignify System Update - July 2024 - Dignify
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Dignify System Update – July 2024

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - Dignify

We have been working on revamping reporting to launch three new reporting tools for this month’s update. We have added some new insights about your Dignify account, engagement & more!

Reporting Dashboard

Graphs will now show Activity & Engagement overviews for:

  • Users Active: # of users in your account who logged in during the month
  • Dignifies: # of Dignifies sent during the month
  • Check-Ins: # of Check-Ins completed during the month
  • Snapshots Viewed: # of Snapshots viewed during the month
  • Courses Completed: # of Courses completed during the month

Your dashboard also has customizable widgets to see monthly trends. To view yours go to https://reporting.dignify.com/

Check-Ins Reporting

Graphs show number of Check-Ins, Introductions and Wheel of Dignity games that were completed each month!

In this report you will be able to dive into all data Check-Ins related.

  • Filter by date range and optionally by location/department
  • View data for each user (how many Check-Ins/Introductions/Games they did)

Team Dynamics Reporting

In this report you will have insights into Snapshot commonalities and the dynamics of your whole organization or specific locations/departments.

View data for:

  • Top 5 Dignity trait category distribution
  • Home Country distribution
  • Nature distribution
  • Inward/Outward trait distribution
  • Most common Dignity Trait for each of the Top 5 slots
    • Most common #1 Dignity Traits
    • Most common #2 Dignity Traits
    • etc…
  • Number of times each Dignity Trait is found in the Top 5

Stay tuned for more exciting Dignify updates to come!

More System Updates

Sometimes, all it takes is a little inspiration.

Understanding where others are coming from is critical in communicating and working toward a common cause.