Company Culture is Critical for Success! - Dignify
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Company Culture is Critical for Success!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 - Joe Kiedinger

Ah, I love Texas. Recently, I enjoyed perfectly-made steak salad at a local haunt in San Antonio while taking a lunch break from dignify coaching. It was the perfect setting: seventy degrees, sun shining, perfectly-prepared tenderloins and Devon! Devon is a very energetic and kind waitress who provides Texas-sized hospitality! She came up to my table and said, “Hello, I’m Devon and I’m looking forward to serving you today. What’s your name?” I said, “I’m Joe; and I will be your customer today.”

Although I didn’t need much tending to, she made sure to check in on me and make me feel special. She even left a little heart on the receipt. I observed her making little comments to all the customers. She offered a bowl of water for a patron’s dog. She called everyone “sweetheart” and “darlin’”.  I’m telling you, employees make all the difference. How people behave within your culture is a true testament to the leaders. Devon is evidence of all the wonderful employees who truly want to serve—not just in the restaurant industry, but in all industries. 

At the restaurant, there were other employees I observed who also showed that same charm and friendly nature. It’s all about the culture. A good strategy without a good culture will never take hold. Get the culture right and put a sound strategy behind it… then, look out! It’s a powerful combination. Oh, by the way, the restaurant was packed… on a Monday!

Joe Kiedinger

ACTION PLAN: How is your culture? Companies around the nation are noticing the power of culture. It gives them an advantage! Want to improve yours? Contact us. We can help get you started.

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