How Cleaning My Basement Changed My Perspective! - Dignify
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How Cleaning My Basement Changed My Perspective!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - Joe Kiedinger

This weekend my wife, Danica, and I decided we needed get after our basement. I’m sure you can relate. It’s like the place where things go to die or be saved forever. Danica worked on the front half while I tackled the back half. The first step was to literally remove all the trash. Old Christmas wrapping paper, used notebooks, unused stuff that is either useless or can be donated. Seven 33-gallon trash bags later, we could finally begin re-organizing the stuff we wanted to keep. That is when my perspective on life changed. Specifically, my perspective of Danica and our life together.

You see, I realized that we’ve been together for nearly 20 years—from dating to our 17 years of marriage. I found pictures spanning the first ten years together. Some had frames that used to be displayed in our old home. Some were placed in magnetic pockets that used to be on our old refrigerator. I found old memory books that shared pictures of our dating days, wedding showers and our wedding itself. Some of the very people who stood up in our wedding I don’t even talk to anymore.

Now that my workbench (which I don’t know how to use) was all cleaned off and organized, I started displaying some of these photographs. Danica was just 20 years old when we met. Alex, our son, was just three years old. As I continued to display pictures of us on past vacations, our babies’ special events, social gatherings and business events, it made me realize something. My life didn’t begin until I met her. My personal success would pale in comparison had I never met Danica. She is my business partner and life partner.

I certainly became emotional as I stood back and reflected on everything we have built together. Life truly is a journey. This new perspective allowed me to appreciate where we’ve been and what’s to come. I don’t think too many people do that and it’s a powerful feeling. Thank you, Danica, for choosing me. It’s been an amazing ride and I can’t wait for what’s to come. There’s only one thing for certain about our future, it’s gonna be fun!

For those of you who wonder how two people can be so close both professionally and personally, the best answer I can give is: zero expectations. We just went with it and were delighted in what we discovered along the way. Expectations are just masked disappointments.

Here’s to couples everywhere who have the honor of seeing each other every day and loving it!

Joe Kiedinger
ACTION PLAN: Pull out your old photos and make a shrine to the past somewhere. Then sit back and reflect on how far you have come and celebrate!

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