Ask the Most Powerful Question - Dignify
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Ask the Most Powerful Question

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 - Joe Kiedinger

As I write today’s Wisdom, I’m outside on my patio, birds singing away and wind rustling through the trees. Summer is a beautiful time of year. Many of us tend to spend more time with family during this gorgeous season. That’s why it’s the perfect time to ask the most powerful question of all to someone you live or work with closely:

“What can I do to be a better _____?”

Depending who you’re asking, you might fill in the blank with: daughter, son, spouse, parent, grandparent or friend. The same can easily be done in the workplace with a co-worker, boss or associate.

Asking this question is a great gesture of dignity. You’re willing to risk hearing some uncomfortable things in order to understand, care for, accept and adjust for the people in your life that matter most to you.

Now, don’t expect an immediate response. Some people will be open with their thoughts immediately and some will need time to process. Set a date down the road for lunch to go over their thoughts. You may be surprised that the tiniest change in your life could mean the world to someone else.


ACTION PLAN: Create a meaningful dialogue this summer by asking the most powerful question of all to a family member or co-worker.

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