Anticipating the Day
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - Joe Kiedinger
My girls have always been very active with performing arts extracurriculars—taking voice, acting and dance lessons. Now that those classes aren’t able to take place in person, there has been a rude awakening. While musical lessons have special challenges in and of themselves with unpredictable internet connections, we’ve also realized, true learning requires one unique element: human connection.

Humanity is built on our ability to harmonize with others and create energy together. This time of remaining Safer at Home has helped me appreciate the importance of being together with people. As a Fun Country guy, having a good time with others has always been at the top of my list, but now I can truly say I’ll never take it for granted again.
It’s become so obvious now that we’re stronger when we’re together. That’s why teaching will never be able to go fully remote. As human beings, we are drawn to connecting with each other face-to-face. I anticipate the day when we can do so safely again. And, I have to say, there may be a couple of tears that day, now that we’ve all gained some perspective.
ACTION PLAN: Feeling down? Frustrated? Instead, anticipate the day when we can all rejoin in person. Imagine the human connection we’ll all create!