90% of success is just showing up! - Dignify
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90% of success is just showing up!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - Joe Kiedinger


I am so proud of my son Alex! He is a hard working eighteen year old young man. I have talked to a lot of parents and they don’t tie in eighteen year old with hard working. I am very grateful. He’s a great communicator and a nice guy. Like I was, Alex is an average student. His last two years of high school he applied himself and brought his GPA up significantly. He has a couple of great teachers who mentored him and believed in him. Even though his last two years ended strong, colleges only look at the first three years when evaluating who they will accept. Alex knew he was an underdog.

He had his eye on a small liberal arts college in St. Augustine , FL (Flagler University), he has not cared for Wisconsin winters every since he was five. Even though the odds were against him, he showed up with his mom anyway to tour the campus and meet some VP’s. He wrote a powerful letter that admitted his lack of effort his first two years of high school and pointed to the fact that it’s not how your start at something, it’s how you finish that shows true character.

Flagler saw past the transcripts and recognized Alex’s potential and they accepted him. They accepted him because Alex showed up! He showed up by filling out the application, he showed up by writing the powerful letter and he showed up on campus to meet the decision makers. 90% of success is just showing up. Are you showing up?

Joe Kiedinger

ACTION PLAN: Give your teenager a hug today, they desperately need it.

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