3 Ways To Help Your Employees Through Changes
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger
Change is inevitable. As a matter of fact, if you don’t change you won’t remain relevant. Kodak is a shining example of a company who waited too long to change. Their massive campus of buildings have been sold off leaving thousands out of a job. The digital revolution left the film industry a fraction of its former self.

1) Communicate WHY the change is necessary. Too often leaders make decision behind closed doors and only communicate what the change is. Employees want to know why the change. Knowing why provides clarity.
2) Communicate one-on-one with each employee in HOW they fit into the change. This removes much of their fear when they know why they are critical in this change.
3) Involve them in the change. Meaning, get people involved on how the change will happen. This dignifies them and gives them purpose.
Change is inevitable. We must change or become irrelevant. Change can be done smoothly and methodically, just like the seasons. Welcome, Fall!
Joe Kiedinger
ACTION PLAN: Plan your change!