12 Days of Servant Leadership: Commitment! - Dignify
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12 Days of Servant Leadership: Commitment!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

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It’s the ninth day of Servant Leadership and we’re giving you: Commitment!

Be the change you want for the world.” – Ghandi

There is nothing that motivates people more than when someone sets a living example of something. It’s inspiring when a person loses significant weight. We all ask them the same question, “wow, you look great! How did you do it?”

They all respond the same way, “diet and exercise!” We respond as if it’s the first time we’ve heard that. Motivation comes from within, however, it can be inspired based on what you do.

To read more, click here: Keep Your Motivation Alive!  



More Servant Leadership

Sometimes, all it takes is a little inspiration.

Understanding where others are coming from is critical in communicating and working toward a common cause.