10 Ways You're Scaring Away Your Social Media Followers! - Dignify
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10 Ways You’re Scaring Away Your Social Media Followers!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

Halloween can be a scary time of year, follow these ten tips to avoid scaring away your social followers!

1. Dressing Up in Costumes
Don’t be someone or something you’re not just to gain more followers or “likes.” When you start to only focus on gaining more followers you tend to lose sight of what your audience really wants from following you.

2. Handing Out Weird Candy
Having followers register for giveaways that don’t fit your brand just because it’s easy, can be scary. It’s good to encourage engagement but think what your audience wants and stick to giving them the candy they expect from you.HalloweenFacebookLogo

3. Jumping Out of Dark Places
Don’t be that person who pops out from behind the bushes. Post frequently and stay relevant. Make your appearance mean something to your followers.

4. Hanging Scary Decorations On Your House
You only have one chance to make a first impression. When people land on your Facebook page, read your blog, or read your tweets make sure that they have a clear and welcoming feeling about who you are.

5. Not Answering the Door for Trick-Or-Treaters
If your followers try to engage with you they shouldn’t feel like they’re not getting anywhere. When you respond in an efficient and timely manner, you’re showing you put your customers first.

6. Don’t Go in There!
Remember you need to have a plan when approaching social media, you never want to go in blind. It’s always better to be prepared with the content you are going to post.

7. Put Wet Brains in Your Candy Bowl
When people visit your social media sites for the first time, be upfront about what they will gain by liking your Facebook page, reading your blog or following you on Pinterest. Then deliver on that promise, no surprises.

8. Did you Hear That?
When it comes to social media, it’s important to listen to customers and competition. If you don’t listen, you’ll never know how to position your messaging. Listen, and you’ll avoid communicating a message that no one’s interested in.

9. Going Overboard with The Decorations
Think seriously about your social media presence and how you want to be perceived before you start re-sharing and posting just any content you stumble upon. Quality over Quantity.

10. Boo!
Using social media to hard sell is a major mistake that may scare many people away for good!


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