10 Basics We Live By - What Drives Our Company Culture! - Dignify
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10 Basics We Live By – What Drives Our Company Culture!

Friday, March 11, 2016 - Joe Kiedinger

When people visit our office, one of the first things they see is our constitution. Our constitution (see picture) is a document that was created by our people, for our people! It’s a reminder of how we do business and why. As our team continues to grow, we wanted to have a clear way to explain what each item on our constitution means. From this, a team came together and our Prophit Basics were developed!Our_Business_Our_Constitution.jpg

The Prophit Basics supply the guidance that forms the foundation of our company culture. It holds us accountable to “HOW” we do our jobs and live our mission every day. Prophit Basics are a reminder that our Servant Leadership culture is what drives us. It’s about putting people over profits. We make decisions on doing what’s right for our clients and culture first. 

We review the constitution at all Tuesday Team Meetings, and discuss 1-2 basics each time.  

Our Prophit Basics are:

  1. Client Experience is Number One

It’s important to always anticipate and recognize our client needs. They are our number one priority and the reason we come to work every day. When we’re thinking proactively; we’re constantly seeking new opportunities, presenting new ideas and thinking with abundance. This makes both our client and our team experience the best it can be!

  1. Be a Servant Leader

Being a Servant Leader is putting the needs of others first. Agape (or brotherly love) means sharing ourselves with our team, clients and everyone we meet. Embrace new Prophiteers and give them your time and attention so they can grow and learn our culture and how we do things here. Remember to always be present, greeting guests and making everyone feel welcome, whether inside our four walls or throughout the community.

  1. G.O.L.D

Grand Opening Look Daily is our way to keep our work environment full of good energy. Take the time to clean up after yourself, whether it’s your personal work area or the kitchen. Be respectful to those you work with by doing your dishes and cleaning your food out of the refrigerator. Remember to take a good look around and see the office as a guest might see it. Put presentation materials and supplies away and help keep our entryways and common areas picked up and clean.

  1. Hold Each Other and Yourself Accountable

We’re all responsible for our own balance, so don’t be afraid to ask for support if you need help managing your workload. Make use of our generous PTO to take time for yourself; whether you’re sick, have appointments or just need to relax and unwind. Set appropriate expectations and be willing to support others at work. Remember, Prophit Marketing Meetings are a priority – it shows you think and act like the owner you are. As a Prophiteer you take 100% Responsibility with 0% Excuses.

  1. Be Open-Minded to Change

Change is a part of everyday life so it’s important that we keep an open mind and embrace change. By having a continuous improvement mindset we value and respect others ideas and opinions and look at them as a way of reaching higher. When we understand and embrace new technologies and systems, we continually grow as individuals and as a company.

  1. Reach Higher

These two words are the backbone of this company! When we reach higher as Prophiteers we are prepared to embrace change through professional and personal growth. We share that enthusiasm for excellence by encouraging clients to also reach higher. By being proactive with our clients we are managing our destiny and taking care of the future needs of Prophit Marketing.

  1. Respect my About Me Card

About Me Cards give those around us a snapshot of who we are and how we like to be treated. This amazing tool can help eliminate misunderstandings and foster healthy relationships. By being aware of others snapshots and doing regular check ins, we are showing respect to that person and giving them the dignity they deserve. Take the time to really understand what the About Me Card is all about so you can have better relationships, both professionally and personally.

  1. Live this Constitution 24/7

The Prophit Constitution is a set of fundamental principles that lead us to reach higher and become stronger team players. As Prophiteers we embrace these principles and look for opportunities to make a difference both in and out of the office. Be a person that others can respect and always be aware that you are a “Prophet” for this company. Whatever you say in person or in social media represents not only you but Prophit Marketing.

  1. Choose a Positive Attitude

It’s true that we’re all responsible for our own balance and our own positive attitude. Choose positivity! Focus on solutions and not problems when dealing with clients, Prophiteers and everyone you interact with. When you communicate with kindness and have an open mind, those around you will also be brought to a higher level of positive thinking and actions.

  1. Celebrate Success

The greatest gift we can give another is to recognize and appreciate them for who they are! Don’t forget to be aware of what others do and let them know you noticed. In return, it’s okay to make others aware of your successes. We have busy lives and everyone may not know what you’ve done personally or professionally, so share it! Keep things fun and keep celebrating success.

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