Dignify, Author at Dignify
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Articles Three keys to building a strong employer brand

Like any market, the labor market is a competitive space. Organizations, no matter their structure, or industry, are in a…

August 28, 2024 Read
Articles The importance of approachability as a leader

Why bother with approachability? One of the most important traits that a leader in the workplace can have is approachability….

August 14, 2024 Read
System Updates Dignify System Update – July 2024

We have been working on revamping reporting to launch three new reporting tools for this month’s update. We have added…

July 31, 2024 Read
Articles The importance of psychological safety in the workplace

Psychological safety within teams at work is one of the most important aspects of ensuring that people are working both…

July 24, 2024 Read
Articles The ROI of servant leadership

Servant leadership is more than just a feel-good measure. Let’s take a look at the ten core principles of servant…

July 10, 2024 Read
Articles Power dynamics in the workplace and how to harness them for good

Power dynamics – for better or for worse, they are a natural part of human interaction, especially in structured groups…

June 26, 2024 Read
System Updates Dignify System Update – June 2024

We are excited to announce that in this month’s update, we have added multiple new features to help improve the…

June 20, 2024 Read
Articles The impact of workplace ageism and how to address it

Ageism, or age discrimination, is defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as treating an applicant or employee less…

June 12, 2024 Read
Articles The hidden power of employee data

It’s not invasive, it’s not cheating, it’s just smart. Today’s best leaders are leveraging individualized data and analytics on employees…

May 22, 2024 Read